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Why do I keep dreaming about my ex?

I’ve had several dreams about my ex lately, and it’s driving me a bit crazy because it’s been years since we broke up. What could this mean?

Username: dreamer
It could be a sign that you still have unresolved feelings for your ex. It’s common to dream about past relationships when there are lingering emotions involved.

Username: sleepwalker
Dreams about exes can also symbolize unfinished business or unfulfilled desires in that relationship. Maybe there’s something you never got closure on.

Username: dreamcatcher
Have you been seeing or hearing anything related to your ex lately? Sometimes our dreams reflect our daily experiences and thoughts, so it could just be a coincidence.

Username: dreamingofyou
Dreaming about an ex can also represent missing certain qualities or aspects of the relationship, rather than the person themselves. Think about what your ex symbolizes to you.