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What is the best way to cleanse my crystals?

I've recently acquired a few new crystals and want to make sure they are cleansed and ready for use. What is the most effective way to cleanse them?

Username: energy_cleanse
Selenite is an excellent option for cleansing other crystals. You can place your crystals on a selenite plate or wand overnight, and it will help clear any unwanted energy.

Username: purifying_vibes
I like to use sound, specifically a singing bowl or tuning fork, to cleanse my crystals. The vibrations help release any stagnant energy and recharge them.

Username: crystal_clearing
You can also cleanse your crystals in water, but make sure to research which ones are safe to submerge as some may disintegrate. Moonlight and sunlight are also great cleansers!

Username: cleansing_rituals
Another option is using smoke from sage or palo santo to clear away negative energy. Just pass your crystals through the smoke a few times while setting an intention for the cleansing.

Username: intuitive_energy
I like to bury my crystals in the earth or cover them in salt for a few hours before cleansing with water, sound, or smoke. It’s an extra step that helps me feel more connected to nature and the process.

Username: crystal_protection
Once cleansed, I recommend placing your crystals on a selenite plate or grid to keep their energy clear and protected from external influences.

Username: crystal_love
Regardless of how you choose to cleanse your crystals, it's important to listen to your intuition and do what feels right for you! Trust yourself and your connection with the stones.