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If I dream about someone, will they know?

I keep having vivid dreams about my crush and I'm worried they'll find out somehow. Can people in our dreams actually know that we're dreaming of them?

Username: DreamWeaver
It's unlikely that the person you are dreaming about will know, as our dreams typically take place within our own subconscious minds. However, if you feel strongly about this person, your actions towards them may change based on your feelings from the dream, which could potentially give away your thoughts.

Username: dreaminterpreter
Dreams often reveal hidden desires or concerns, so it may be worth exploring why this particular person keeps appearing in your dreams. Is there something you want to explore or address with them?

Username: lovestruck
If you are worried about the person finding out, it could be a sign that your subconscious is trying to tell you to communicate more openly and honestly with this individual. Consider using your dream as an opportunity to have a conversation or express your feelings towards them.

Username: nightthinker
Alternatively, these dreams may not have anything to do with the person themselves, but rather represent qualities or traits that you admire or desire in a romantic partner. Take note of what stands out about this person in your dreams and how it may relate to your personal wants and needs.

Username: dreamcatcher
Remember, dreams are often symbolic and open to interpretation. It's ultimately up to you to decide how much weight or significance you give to these dreams about your crush. So, don't worry too much about them finding out! Keep dreaming and exploring the deeper meanings behind your dreams.