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How do I cleanse my crystals?

Keeping my crystals energetically clean is essential to maintaining their effectiveness, but I’m not sure about the best methods to cleanse them. What techniques can I use to purify my stones?

Username: water_and_salt
One popular method is to rinse your crystals under running water, preferably after soaking them briefly in a saltwater solution to eliminate any negative energy. Just be cautious, as not all crystals are water-safe.

Username: moonlight_magic
Charging your crystals under the moonlight is a gentle and effective technique. Leave them outside or on a windowsill overnight during a full moon to cleanse and recharge their energies.

Username: smudging
Using sage or other cleansing herbs, smudging your crystals involves passing them through the smoke to purify them. This method is particularly effective in clearing stagnant energy.

Username: sound_waves
Sound cleansing with singing bowls or bells can also be beneficial. The vibrations created can help shift and remove any negative energy, leaving the crystal rejuvenated.

Username: earth_placement
Burying your crystals in the earth for a day or two allows them to connect with the natural energies of the ground, effectively cleansing and grounding them in the process.